How to Get an Easy Light Ball in Leaf Green Early
Recovery | Ability Enhancers | Hold Items | Miscellaneous | Pokeballs | Mail | Key Items
Recovery Items | |||
Name | Description | Location | |
Health Recovery | |||
| Restores 20HP | Most PokeMarts, Route 1, Viridian City, Viridian Forest, Mt. Moon | |
| Restores 50HP | PokeMarts, S.S. Anne, Celadon MegaMart, Rocket Hideout | |
| Restores 200HP | PokeMarts, Rocket Hideout, Silph Co. | |
| Restores all HP | PokeMarts, Safari Zone, Power Plant, Pokemon Mansion, Island Six | |
| Restores all HP and cures all status ailments | Indigo Plateau, Safari Zone, Pokemon Mansion, Island Three, Icefall Cave, Island Six, Cerulean Cave | |
| Recovers 50HP | Celadon MegaMart Roof, Island Two | |
| Recovers 80HP | Celadon MegaMart Roof, Island Two | |
| Restores 80HP | Celadon MegaMart Roof, Island Two | |
| Restores 100HP | Island Two | |
| Restores 200HP; Has a bitter taste | Cerulean City | |
| Restores 50HP; Has a bitter taste | Cerulean City | |
| Restores 20HP | Wild Shuckle | |
| Fully restores all Pokemon's HP and PP, and removes all status ailments | Navel Rock after battling Ho-oh (Use Itemfinder) | |
Recovery | |||
| Restores 10PP of one move | Route 2, S.S. Anne, Celadon City, Kindle Road | |
| Restores all PP to one move | Rock Tunnel, Rocket Hideout, Berry Forest | |
| Restores 10PP to each move | Pokemon Tower, Power Plant, Island Six Water Path | |
| Restores all PP to all moves | Berry Forest, Sevault Canyon, Cerulean Cave | |
| Recovers a fainted Pokemon; Has a bitter taste | Cerulean City | |
| Recovers a fainted Pokemon to half max HP | PokeMarts, Mt. Moon, Rock Tunnel, Celadon MegaMart, Seafoam Islands, Island Two | |
| Revives a fainted Pokemon to max HP | Silph. Co, Safari Zone, Victory Road, Cerulean Cave | |
Status Recovery | |||
| Cures Poison | PokeMarts, Viridian Forest, Mt. Moon, Celadon MegaMart | |
| Cures Sleep | PokeMarts, Route 11, Pokemon Tower, Celadon MegaMart | |
| Cures Burn | PokeMarts, Route 9, Celadon MegaMart | |
| Cures Freeze | Celadon MegaMart, Seafoam Islands | |
| Cures Paralysis | PokeMarts, Route 2, Mt. Moon, Celadon MegaMart | |
| Cures all status ailments | PokeMarts, Silph Co., Berry Forest, Victory Road | |
| Cures all status ailments | Island Two | |
| Cures all status ailments; Has a bitter taste | Cerulean City |
Ability Enhancers | |||
Name | Description | Location | |
Stat Raisers | |||
| Raises Special Attack | Cerulean City, Celadon MegaMart, Rocket Hideout, Silph Co., Pokemon Mansion | |
| Raises Speed | Cerulean City, Celadon MegaMart, Silph Co., Pokemon Mansion, Kindle Road | |
| Raises max HP | Celadon City, Celadon MegaMart, Silph Co., Pokemon Mansion, Island Six | |
| Raises Defense | Celadon City, Celadon MegaMart, Silph Co., Route 12, Pokemon Mansion | |
| Increases the max PP of a move to max | Celadon City, Island Two (Near the Waterfall - Use Itemfinder) | |
| Increases the max PP of a move | Cerulean City, Island Five, Water Path, Cerulean Cave | |
| Raises Attack | Cerulean City, Celadon MegaMart, Silph Co., Safari Zone, Pokemon Mansion | |
| Raises a Pokemon's level by one | Mt. Moon, Pokemon Tower, Rocket Hideout, Silph Co., Fuchsia City, Victory Road, Lost Cave | |
| Raises Special Defense | Cerulean City, Celadon MegaMart, Silph Co., Pokemon Mansion, Three Island | |
Battle Enhancers | |||
| Raises chances of a Critical Hit in battle | Celadon MegaMart, Mt. Ember | |
| Prevents stat reduction in a battle | Celadon MegaMart, Victory Road | |
| Raises accuracy in a battle | Pokemon Tower, Celadon MegaMart | |
| Raises attack in a battle | S.S Anne, Celadon MegaMart | |
| Raises defense in a battle | Route 11, Celadon MegaMart | |
| Raises special attack in a battle | Celadon MegaMart, Silph Co. | |
| Raises speed in a battle | Celadon MegaMart, Rocket Hideout |
Hold Items | |||
Name | Description | Location | |
Battle Related | |||
| Doubles monetary earnings from battles | Route 16 (40 Pokemon in Pokedex required) | |
| Boosts Fighting-type attacks | Thief from Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan belonging to Crush Kin on Route 15 | |
| Boosts Dark-type attacks | Team Rocket Hideout | |
| Lowers opponent's accuracy | Trade from RSE | |
| Boosts Fire-type attacks | Celadon City Game Corner (1000 Coins) | |
| Boosts one attack, but prevents use of any others | Trade from RSE | |
| Reduces wild Pokemon encounters | Pokemon Tower | |
| Doubles Clamperl's Special Defense; Evolves Clamperl into Gorebyss when traded | Trade from RSE | |
| Doubles Clamperl's Special Attack; Evolves Clamperl into Huntail when traded | Trade from RSE | |
| Boosts Dragon-type attacks | Wild Dratini, Dragonair | |
| Evolves Seadra when traded | Water Path | |
| Prevents evolution | Route 10 (Rock Tunnel Pokemon Center, 20 Pokemon in Pokedex required) | |
| Recieves half of the earn EXP even if it is not sent into battle | Route 15 (50 Pokemon in Pokedex required) | |
| Sometimes prevents fainting | Wild Machoke | |
| Boosts Rock-type attacks | Wild Graveler/Onix | |
| May cause additional flinching | Sevault Canyon | |
| Reduces the opponent's accuracy; Use it to breed for Wynaut | Lost Cave | |
| Recovers 1/16th HP each turn | Route 12 and Route 16 (Snorlax's spot - Use Itemfinder) | |
| Doubles Pikachu's Special Attack | Trade from RSE | |
| Increases the amount of experience earned | Wild Chansey | |
| Raises Chansey's Critical Hit Ratio | Sevault Canyon | |
| Doubles Effort Points earned, but lowers speed | Viridian Gym (Giovanni's spot - Use Itemfinder) | |
| Boosts Electric-type attacks | Wild Magneton | |
| Cures attraction | Trade from RSE | |
| Boosts Steel-type attacks | Memorial Pillar | |
| Raises Ditto's Defense | Wild Ditto | |
| Boosts Grass-type attacks | Celadon City Game Corner (1000 Coins) | |
| Boosts Water-type attacks | Celadon City Game Corner (1000 Coins) | |
| Boosts Ice-type attacks | Icefall Cave | |
| Boosts Poison-type attacks | Wild Arbok | |
| Pokemon holding it may attack first | Safari Zone | |
| Raises chances for a critical hit | Trade from RSE | |
| Boosts Water-type attacks | Lost Cave | |
| Boosts Flying-type attacks | Wild Fearow | |
| Recovers HP depending on the damage caused | Trade from RSE | |
| Boosts Normal-type attacks | Lost Cave | |
| Boosts Bug-type attacks | Wild Venomoth | |
| Flees from wild Pokemon | Celadon Game Corner (800 Coins) | |
| Boosts Ground-type attacks | Wild Sandslash | |
| Pokemon's happiness raises faster | Pokemon Tower (Mr. Fuji's spot - Use Itemfinder) | |
| Raises Latios' and Latias' Special Attack and Special Defense | Trade from RSE | |
| Boosts Ghost-type attacks | Wild Haunter | |
| Raises Farfetch'd's Critical Hit ratio | Vermilion City (Trade Farfetch'd) | |
| Doubles Cubone and Marowak's Attack | Wild Cubone and Marowak | |
| Boosts Psychic-type attacks | Wild Abra and Kadabra | |
| Restores lowered stats to original | Trade from RSE | |
Contest Scarfs | |||
| Raises Beauty | Trade from RSE | |
| Raises Smartness | Trade from RSE | |
| Raises Cuteness | Trade from RSE | |
| Raises Coolness | Trade from RSE | |
| Raises Toughness | Trade from RSE |
Miscellaneous | |||
Name | Description | Location | |
Flutes | |||
| Reduces wild Pokemon encounters | Trade from RSE | |
| Cures Sleep | Trade from RSE | |
| Cures Attraction | Trade from RSE | |
| Increases wild Pokemon encounters | Trade from RSE | |
| Cures Confusion | Celadon City Game Corner (1600 Coins) | |
Evolution | |||
| Evolves Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Nidorina, Nidorino and Skitty | Mt. Moon, Rocket Hideout, Wild Clefairy | |
| Evolves Eevee, Growlithe and Vulpix | Celadon MegaMart | |
| Evolves Exeggcute, Gloom, Nuzleaf and Weepinbell | Celadon MegaMart, Safari Zone | |
| Evolves Eevee and Pikachu | Celadon MegaMart, Power Plant | |
| Evolves Gloom and Sunkern | Ruin Valley | |
| Evolves Eevee, Lombre, Poliwag, Shellder and Staryu | Celadon MegaMart, Seafoam Islands | |
| Evolves Porygon | Rocket Warehouse | |
Shards | |||
| Trade for the Water Stone with the Treasure Hunter (Route 124) | Trade from RSE | |
| Trade for the Leaf Stone with the Treasure Hunter (Route 124) | Trade from RSE | |
| Trade for the Fire Stone with the Treasure Hunter (Route 124) | Trade from RSE | |
| Trade for the Thunderstone with the Treasure Hunter (Route 124) | Trade from RSE | |
Other | |||
| Escape from the current cave | PokeMarts, Mt. Moon, Rock Tunnel, Pokemon Tower, Rocket Hideout, Silph Co., Pokemon Mansion | |
| Escape from a wild Pokemon battle | Trade from RSE | |
| Escape from a wild Pokemon battle | Celadon MegaMart | |
| Use to make a Shell Bell | Trade from RSE | |
| Use to make a Shell Bell | Trade from RSE | |
| Repels weaker Pokemon for 250 steps | Indigo Plateau, Kindle Road | |
| Repels weaker Pokemon for 100 steps | PokeMarts, Rock Tunnel | |
| Repels weaker Pokemon for 200 steps | PokeMarts, Celadon MegaMart | |
Ornamental | |||
| Sell for money | Wild Shellder, Seafoam Islands, Rocket Warehouse | |
| Sell for money or give to Move Rememberer | Wild Paras, Parasect | |
| Sell for money | Trade from RSE | |
| Sell for money | Route 24, Pokemon Tower, Safari Zone, Cerulean Cave, Sevault Canyon | |
| Sell for money | Wild Shellder, Rock Tunnel, Rocket Warehouse | |
| Sell for money | Mt. Moon, Four Island, Wild Staryu | |
| Sell for money | S.S. Anne, Cinnabar Island (Trade Tangela), Island Four, Wild Staryu | |
| Sell for money or give to Move Rememberer | Wild Paras, Parasect |
Pokeballs | |||
Name | Description | Location | |
| Catches Pokemon | Most PokeMarts | |
| Greater chance of catching Pokemon than a Pokeball | Most PokeMarts | |
| Greater chance of catching Pokemon than a Great Ball | Most PokeMarts | |
| Always catches Pokemon | Silph Co. | |
| Greater chance of catching underwater Pokemon | Unknown | |
| Pokemon caught will like you more | Island 5 (Lady Selphy) | |
| Greater chance of catching Pokemon the lower its level | Island 6 | |
| Greater chance of catching Water and Bug Pokemon | Route 12 (Super Rod Guy) | |
| Catches Pokemon | Unknown | |
| Greater chance of catching a Pokemon that you have already caught | Two Island | |
| A special ball for use in the Safari Zone | Safari Zone | |
| Greater chance of catching Pokemon the longer the battle lasts | Two Island |
Name | Description | Location | |
| Image of your current Pokemon | Trade from RS | |
| Purple coloured mail | Island Six | |
| Image of Pikachu | Trade from RS | |
| Pink coloured mail | Cerulean City (Trade Jynx) | |
| Image of Wingull | Trade from RS | |
| Image of Magnemite | Trade from RS | |
| Image of Zigzagoon | Trade from RS | |
| Multicoloured mail | Celadon MegaMart | |
| Image of Duskull | Trade from RS | |
| Image of Bellossom | Trade from RS | |
| Image of Wailmer | Trade from RS | |
| Image of Slakoth | Trade from RS |
Key Items | |||
Name | Description | Location | |
FireRed / LeafGreen | |||
| Allows passage to Island #9 | Mystery Gift at Nintendo Event | |
| Holds berries | S.S. Anne (Upon finding a Berry) | |
| Allows you to move around the world faster | Exchange with a Bike Voucher at Cerulean City Bike Shop | |
| Exchange for a Bike | Obtain from Chairman of Vermilion City Pokemon Fan Club | |
| Unlocks doors at Silph Co | Silph Co. 5th Floor | |
| Holds 9999 Casino coins | Celadon City | |
| Resurrect to become Kabuto | Mt. Moon (Left) | |
| Stores information from people around the world | Route 23 | |
| Belongs to the Fuchsia Safari Warden | Safari Zone | |
| Fish for medium-levelled water Pokemon | Fuchsia City | |
| Resurrect to become Omanyte | Mt Moon (Right) | |
| Detects hidden items in close proximity | Route 12 | |
| Allows the use of the elevator in Team Rocket's Celadon Hideout | Celadon City Rocket HQ | |
| Trade for a Moon Stone on Island #2 | One Island | |
| Allows passage to Island #8 | Mystery Gift at Nintendo Event | |
| A parcel for Professor Oak | Viridian City | |
| Resurrect to become Aerodactyl | Pewter City Museum | |
| Fish for low-levelled water Pokemon | Vermilion City | |
| Wakes up sleeping Pokemon | Lavender Town | |
| Stores crushed berries so it can be turned into medicine | Cerulean City | |
| Allows passage to Islands #4, #5, #6 and #7 | One Island | |
| Needed to repair Celio's Network Machine | One Island Cave | |
| Needed to repair Celio's Network Machine | Five Island Rocket HQ | |
| Unlocks Cinnabar Gym | Pokemon Mansion | |
| Reveals Ghost Pokemon in Pokemon Tower | Celadon City Rocket HQ | |
| Allows entry to the SS Tidal | Bill's House | |
| Fish for high-levelled water Pokemon | Route 12 | |
| Give to the Saffron Guards to get through | Celadon Mansion | |
| The in-game tutorial and basics guide | Viridian City | |
| Holds your TMs and HMs | Pewter City Gym | |
| A map of the Kanto and Rainbow Islands Region | Daisy in Pallet Town | |
| Allows passage to Islands #1, #2 and #3 | Three Island | |
| Detects trainers wishing to battle | Vermilion City Pokemon Center |
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